Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A Quilt

Recently, a co-worker of mine was diagnosed with cancer. It was one of those times (I seem to have more and more as I get older) where I had no idea what to say. Instead of saying something, I decided to make something. I took up a little collection, and we raised enough money for some gas money and a lap quilt made by me.

I chose browns, greens, and blues because these are colors she has in her home.

I chose a pinwheel design. I really liked how diamonds formed in the corners of the blocks. I chose a large loop design for the quilitng. I have done smaller loops before, but I really liked the elegance when I completed it on a large scale.

It ended up being a 60" square, that hopefully will bring her comfort. Oh, and there is some delicious dark brown minky on the back.

Say a prayer today for her, as she has many months of treatment ahead of her.

Linking up to: I Heart Nap Time

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